Luong Vuong

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since Jan 20, 2007
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Recent posts by Luong Vuong

Hi i am trying to set the font of my label in my panel using the following code:

but when i hover my mouse over it, there is an error saying "cannot find symbol, method setFont(int)". I am looking at the API for the panel and i can see that this functions is available to the pannel class. Can sombodoy tell me what i have missed out please.

Full code

Api link:
[ August 25, 2007: Message edited by: Luong Vuong ]
16 years ago
Hi i am trying to set the font of my label in my panel using the following code:

but when i hover my mouse over it, there is an error saying "cannot find symbol, method setFont(int)". I am looking at the API for the panel and i can see that this functions is available to the pannel class. Can sombodoy tell me what i have missed out please.

Full code

Api link:
[ August 25, 2007: Message edited by: Luong Vuong ]
16 years ago
hi i have created a panel:

Is there anyway of using the panel to accept user input, in this case the number of triangles.
17 years ago
That does in a way go into context. At this present moment in time i can click on the screen and my shape appears(triangle), that also inturn starts a timer. I belive i may not have provided you with enough coding, if so sorry about that.

I've included a timer for this so that when the user clicks anywhere on the screen, the timer goes. colours used in this order; red, green, blue, then back to begining.

Ideally this is what i would like to happen when a user clicks on the screen:

a triangle appears > timer starts > the triangle is red> then green > then blue > then red etc ...
This should happen for every triangle that i click on the screen.
Do you think it is necessary to add a timer for this situation? If so how would i modify it to do this?

If not, based on u'r last comment and with my extra coding, again how would i modify it?

Hope this is clearer. Again, sorry for not adding more code.
17 years ago
Hi i have made a game where users click on the screen and a red triangle appears correspinding to where they clicked. How do make the game act so that when i/user clicks on the screen the user would see for example the colours red, blue, green, yellow in that order in each triangle. Would i need to use the Cardlayout functionality ? if not, how?
The code for it to be red is as follows:
17 years ago
Here is the full code:

Hope that this code helps guys
17 years ago
Hi i am trying to create a triangle using the Polygon class. Eventually the program should allow the user to click on the screen and triangles should appear. I the programmer decide the size of the triangle.

When i try to compile i get the following error message
Cannot find symbol variable x
---- find symbol variable y.

Please help, urgent

17 years ago