Daniel Conner

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since Jan 25, 2007
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Recent posts by Daniel Conner

Paul, no it is not.
15 years ago
It doesn't fail silently, it gives an error. I haven't checked to see if escaping is turned off or on. How would I do so? Thanks.

15 years ago
There are different Oracle 10g databases that I work on. One one particular Oracle 10g database, the following using the quote operator works and on the other one, it doesn't. I was wondering if anyone had any idea why it work on one Oracle 10g database but not on the other? Thanks.

BTW... When I say quote operator... I mean:

Select q'#Oracle's quote operator is super awesome#' from dual;
15 years ago
In internet explorer I expect for the css class to change when clicking on the checkbox. Instead, nothing happens.(Btw, No javascript errors are thrown) When I run the same exact page in firefox, I get my desired result. Any ideas would be great. Thanks.
That isn't the problem. The get element by id call is for the button(technically it is just a link that uses a class to make it look more "stylish" than a regular html button) so I can change style class. I left out an important snippet of code though.

Like I told you before, this code works in firefox how I want it to. I need to know how to finetune it
so it will work in IE 6.0. Any ideas?
I can get it to work in firefox, but it doesnt work in IE... I have pasted a snippet of the html where the javascript function is called and the javascript function. Any help would be great. Thanks!

Awesome! Got it. Thanks Bear. You have been a lot of help... Not just on this topic, but also on other questions I have asked lately... Thanks!
16 years ago
It would be something like this:

I had tried doing something like that before, but with using expression language of course for the list and the variable. It printed the value from my bean twice. The first time it printed the value is the selected value and the second time it printed it from the list. It looked something like this:

Would it make sense to use <c:if to make sure that only the values from the list that are included in the list are the ones that aren't selected?
16 years ago
I have an editable table. The table is populated with values when the page opens. I have a couple comboboxes that I populate. My problem isn't with populating the combobox. My problem is the value that Im getting from the database(I am positive I am getting the right value...) is not selected value when the page opens. Below is the code I am using to populate the combo box... How do I populate it and use the value I am getting from my bean to be the selected value when I open the page? Thanks.

The value I want to use is located at: ${lmgmt.uoi}

Thanks again!
16 years ago
I have an editable table with many different input fields.. I use a checkboxes for row selection. I have all of the fields disabled. The want the fields in a particular row to be enabled when that row is selected. Right now I have an onclick event calling a function to the enable the row when selected... The problem that I have is that only the first row is being enabled. Here is a snippet from my html:

<input type="checkbox" name="tableRowId" id="sid"
value="<c ut value='${mgmt.id}' />"

<display:column title="Desc." sortable="true">
<input type="text" name="description"
value="<c ut value='${logmgmt.description}' />"
id="txtDescription" disabled="true" />

<display:column title="Weight" sortable="true">
<input type="text" name="weight"
value="<c ut value='${logmgmt.weight}' />"
id="txtWeight" disabled="true" />

<display:column title="Cost" sortable="true">
<input type="text" name="cost"
value="<c ut value='${logmgmt.cost}' />"
id="txtCost" disabled="true" />

Here is my enableRows function:

function enableRows() {
var description = document.getElementById("txtDescription");
var weight = document.getElementById("txtWeight");
var cost = document.getElementById("txtCost");

cost.disabled = false;
weight.disabled = false;
description.disabled = false;

So, how do I remedy the situation to be able to enable any row that is selected. Thanks.
I was wondering if anyone knew of a j2ee compatible tag library that will exhibit similar functionality to the af:showDetail(using the ADF framework.. with the project I am working on... we were using the ADF framework, but we switched architecture to just use strait J2EE with no underlying framework...) If you are not familiar with what I mean... You can go to

and scroll down to see a visual example of what af:showDetail is all about. It basically allows the user to minimize and maximize a certain part of a page.

An example may look like:

<input type="text"

In the above example... when the user maximized the showDetail section of the page, the text box would be shown... WHen they minimzed... the textbox would disappear... Any ideas would be great. Thanks...
16 years ago
I need to make a jsp page with an editable table. I already have layed it out... It is populated from a database. It uses checkboxes for row selection. My question is how do I get the selected values back to the controller when the form is submitted? Let me elaborate... I have no problem getting one row back.. but I don't know how to get more than one row back. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
16 years ago
I am using an Oracle 10g database. I need to be able to search for dates that are stored in the database. I created a java class that will do the searching.
My problem is that the dates in the database are stored like this "22-AUG-07"
Are there any java classes that put dates in this format? Or do I need to write a java class that will do it for me?
I have an editable table with editable fields and read only fields as well. On each column I have sort set to true and the sort property set to the corresponding field. When I open the page and click on a header, one of two things happens:

1) If the column is read only(which there are two read only columns), that column will be sorted, but the whole row will not be sorted. All of the editable fields remain to be the same value as they were when the page initially opened. The names of the two read only columns are "Name" and "Description". When name is sorted, description is changed accordingly. When description is sorted, name is changed accordingly.

2) If the column is not read only, nothing happens when clicking on the header to sort it.

I checked on the internet for some resources. Frank Nimphius had posted a blog about this problem and how to fix it using business components. Im not using business components. Any help would be great. Thanks.
16 years ago
any ideas?
16 years ago