Scott Guo

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since Jan 27, 2007
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Recent posts by Scott Guo

Congratulations! Nice score!

That's a nice resource for DPs!

Dear Ranchers

Just get my result today after near 4 weeks waiting.

Thanks a lot for your help and the guidance tips! :-)
Especially to Wei-ju Wu, thanks for your guidance on the whole exam!

Grade: P
Score: 81
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70.
Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 44
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 25
Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12

Now, share some my experience, and hope it's helpful for you to pass the Part II and III exam.

1, Check the 'Deliverables' section in the assignment topic firstly and carefully.
2, My assignment includes the following parts:
1 class diagram with 25 classes
7 component diagrams. One for system core components, and others for each use case.
7 sequence diagrams. One for system core components, and others for each use case.
Some assumptions (about 10), but not too many.
Design strategies and patterns, and the system glossary.
3, For my component diagram, it lost all scores. In my guess, the lost point includes two main points:
(1) I used the business delegate in my architecture, and it doesn't appear in all my component diagrams, but in my sequence diagram. In my component diagram, all Java backing beans will show the dependency link to service locator directly, so it may be incorrect here.
(2) The package are used for showing different logical tiers in all my component diagrams, so it's a little repeatable. Moreover, it may be not one standard way as in the industry.

Thanks again!

Scott Guo
Hi Chengchi,

Congratulations! Nice work!

BTW, how long do you get your final result? (2 weeks)

Thanks a lot!
Hi Wei,

Thanks a lot for your guidance help! It's really extend knowledge scope and give some main focus on SCEA!

Really thanks!

Hi there,

Do you know how to show security in UML? Should we show it in the class or component diagram?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Thanks a lot!

Hi All,

During preparing the SCEA exam, since security is an important non-functional aspect in J2EE, I need to provide some comments or exhibit on this. There is no much security experience on my past work, so could you give some suggestions on enterprise application security?

Two aspects I could applied for now:
Authorization by J2EE on Web and EJB

Thanks a lot!

17 years ago
Hi All,

EJB Security comprise two models, which are declarative and programmatic. Could you give some suggestions on what basic and advanced API will be used for programmatic security in EJB 3.0?

If you could give the API reference and flow for declarative security in EJB 3.0, that should be much better.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Sreenivasa,

Thanks for your good example and help! I will pay more attention on these two diagrams in my exam.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Kayman,

How do you know you lost a big mark on your class and component diagrams, and could you give suggestions on it?

Thanks a lot!

Regarding to the UML tools, I recommend Visual Paradigm and Sun Enterprise Java Studio should be good for this exam preparation.

Thanks all!

Hi Wei,

Thanks a lot for your guidance on the class diagram! I have reviewed the Mark's book and found there is one class diagram example on page 146. As you mentioned, it was depicted in analysis level. One related question on it, do you think we should give all possible classes in the design phase, but these classes will be exhibited as analysis level?

Moreover, how many sequence and component diagrams did you provided? Do you only give the critical use cases on these two diagrams?


Hi Wei,

Congratulations! That's a nice score for SCEA Part II & III.

Everybody knows that there is at least two levels for class diagrams. One is analysis level, and the other one is for design level. Did you provide the two levels class diagrams to this exam?

Thanks a lot!

Yours sincerely,

Hi Willy,

That's a really nice work because you still need to complete your daily schedule. Admire...

In addition, do you mean opening up the design as trying to collect the requirements in wide scope?

Thanks a lot!
