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16 years ago
Syntel - Welcome to the HELL

1. Extremely Poor Quality of Work. Almost negligible trainings given to laterals.

2. Inefficient Managers - Trust me, many senior people like Delivery Directors/ Delivery Managers/Project Managers
writes mail drafted in extremely poor & silly english. Highly frustrated people...

3. No Basic Requirements -
Tea/Coffee, Printout, Local Call & in some offices no water even !! not believing....
ask people..Management try to save money on these things. They want to improve the revenue.

4. 95% Syntel employees are technically very weak. Sr Management don't even know the basic fundamentals of
IT/Software even... I would publish emails/examples of senior mgt people of syntel in future...and you would have a hearty laugh... If anyone works in syntel for 1+ year, he/she needs to put a lot of efforts to get a new job !!

5. Business Policies -
Management has made absolutely ridiculous business policies and most of the time they hide behind it. One can not even imagine the way issues related to Certifcation, Travel related, VISA, Variable pay is handled. Moreover every 2-3 months they change the policies. Its a rumour that Srikanth Karra - Global HR Head gets 1 crore per year. Its surprising to see that what he does? Syntel never saw any good profile people coming into since 2-3 yrs. If anyone good joins by mistake then he leaves in less than a year.

6. Poor Salary Structure -
Recruitment tells you hell lot of lies when you are on the verge of joining it. Once you are in, trouble starts. There is no one to help you out. You are stuck up. I have heard that there is 3 months notice now compulsory for every employee [its not negotiable with the salary either]. It means once you resign you have to be in a hell for at least 3 months. Moreover HR/Management creates a lot of problems in relieving/experience letter. So most of the employees need to abscond....

7. Why HR is there? What they do? God knows !!!

8. Lot of Racial Discrimination on the basis of caste/language. If you can speak Marathi in Pune/Mumbai office, you
would get better appraisal, better opportunity than the others. Most of the Projects driven in Marathi language.

9. H1 Black Listed Company.

10. Variable is around 20% of the gross. Recruitment will never tell you that you would be paid twice a year in 75% & 25% parts. Moreover, this time variable was given 75% to all employees..on which basis....god knows !!!

You join syntel only when -
1. You have NO job. OR you are not getting job anywhere..
2. Your frustration level should be extremely high.
3. You should be Marathi.

Bharat actually does not want to grow at all. They have vision something like 1-5-10 means to be come $ 1b dollar company with a market capitalization of $ 5b by 2010.... I think they should change to 1-5-2020 !!! still not possible...
16 years ago