arunrajNambiar Rajagopal

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since Jul 08, 2007
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Recent posts by arunrajNambiar Rajagopal

Hi all,

I have 3 functionalities using the same backing bean.So I have created a single backing bean and put it in the session.However, the constructor of the bean keeps getting called every time any of the two functions are called, inspite of being in the session scope.

I am using JSR 168 portal and JSF as the front end.

Please advice me on this issue.
Hi all,

I am working in RAD6 with Websphere portal server 5.1. I am using JSR 168 with JSF of Sun RI.

My portlets are retaining the state within the same session. I have set the expiration cache of the Portlet to '0' in the portlet.xml and also programmatically but to no effect. Example i have two pages search and home page.When I do a search and then go to home page, and then come back to the search page I get the search results .But actually i need only the initial state of the search page.

When I move to a page in Portal, I need to see the initial view of the Portlet with the Backing Bean re-initialized.

Please let me know if there you know of any way t o solve this problem?
16 years ago