sunny dhoni

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since Jul 24, 2007
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Recent posts by sunny dhoni

so ESTABLISHED means connection is established with the service running on that port.
and LISTEN means the port is ready to listen for the requests that will be taken care by the service that is running.
and let me guess TIME_WAIT. it means already a request is being served on that port and any other incoming request would have to wait for being served.
Now considering all above definitions, ConnectException is faced when we don't have any service running on that particular port to serve the incoming request and so the client is not able to connect to the service.
Is whatever I said above is right?
But I have checked using telnet <host> <port> command and I found that the service is running but still the client is not able to connect to the service (Apache in this case) and hence throws ConnectException.
Why is it so?
16 years ago
this is very true that saying no afterwards is highly unprofessional
but if I tell them that i m in talk with other companies then it can be a wave of insecurity for them.

i mean they will think that as I am keeping the options open i would not join them if I get good offer from some other company and so its possible that they will not give me the offer at all.

Then in that case I will lose on this opportunity. Again, if I give my decision as no then it would be unfair on my part that I wont get much time to think.

If I accept the offer and keep it with me, I will get some time to think and compare both the offers and then I can decide upon it.

Also these days, people do like this as they have ample number of offers in hand.

What you all suggest? Am I right?
[ August 08, 2007: Message edited by: sunny dhoni ]
16 years ago
I am in same situation currently.

I have accepted offer from A.
appeared for B's i/v and got selected there.
now i have to convey B about the decision.
already resigned frm current co.
can i take up B's offer as well, compare both the offers and say no to one of them?
i m inclined towards A, as its good. so it fine to accept B's offer, keep it with me, then join A, if i like A then continue with A or else leave A and go for B. Is it possible?
or is it mandatory to join once we accept any offer?
is signing the offer letter and accepting binds us to join tht co.
16 years ago
I wanted to share my career aspiration with all of you and
wanted some important guidance
i want to shift my working domain. want to be in HR in IT only(not non-IT)
I am working as s/w engr with MNC in testing field
have 4 yrs of total IT exp
passed out engg in y2k and pursued diploma in adv computing from c-dac
i want to be in human resources.
after so many yrs as s/w engr, is it possible to shift to HR?
do i need to pursue mba (part time) in HR to shift to HR.
its not poss fr me to leave job and do full time mba
what difficulties would i face in doing so?
would i have to negotiate on salary?
[ August 07, 2007: Message edited by: sunny dhoni ]
16 years ago
Originally posted by Rahul Bhattacharjee:

Two servers programs cannot listen to one port at the same time.

Yes. I agree. I did not say two server programs are running on same port. I am asking, What is the real cause of ConnectException? Why do we face it?

Could someone please explain in detail?

Also could you please answer the question in my previous post.
16 years ago
GET - idempotent or safe (no side effects on server)
as it requests to return the content on the server and not modify it

POST - not impotent or unsafe (side effects on server)
as it might modify the contents on the server

HEAD - idempotent or safe (no side effects on server)
as it will just ask for header part and not the content in the response (response similar to GET except the body)

PUT - not impotent or unsafe (side effects on server)
ask the server to put or modify data on server at particular uri

DELETE - not impotent or unsafe (side effects on server)
delete the resource on server

OPTIONS - idempotent or safe (no side effects on server)
asks for options available on server like content-length

TRACE - idempotent or safe (no side effects on server)
ask to return traceback of the request

CONNECT - idempotent or safe (no side effects on server)
just ask to connect to the server with host and port args

for more info go to
16 years ago

Originally posted by Amit Kumargupta:
[QB]servlets are excuted as threads and servlets are language independent.
the same client may give a request but it can access the same instance so,it can initialize only once and it cannot create a multiple instance for single client.
so,if we avoid the multiple instance use servlets.

In case of servlets, there is no concept of request coming from single client as far as handling those requests is concerned. every new request (from same client, unless cookies are enabled or from diff client) is considered separate.
a new thread of execution is created for every request and has nothing to do with instances of the servlet. there is always a single instance of servlet irrespective of whether the request is coming from same client or a different client.

16 years ago

Thanks all for your solution

yes. the server is running on that port on the same machine to which we are trying to connect through a client. i checked it.

may be some other service was running on same port.

but i could not get how more than one services can run on same machine on same port.

Does apache web servers generate daemons (backgrnd processes) especially on unix. because i noticed that even after stopping apache, httpd processes keep on running that we need to kill explicitly (using kill command in unix or using the process explorer on windows)

also many a times we face bind exception. can someone explain why bind exception happens and how to get rid of it without stopping the application.

it would be great if smone can clarify the three states of a port,


(output we get from netstat command)
16 years ago

I work in testing in a product dev co.

we have webapp and use client server architecture for testing

we use apache/tomcat as the web server/servlet engine

Everytime we face the following exception in our server

java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpoint.newSocket(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection(
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.newCall(
at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Stub.lookup(Unknown Source)
at wt.manager.RemoteServerManager.getServerManager(
at wt.manager.RemoteServerManager.getServer(
at wt.manager.RemoteServerManager.getServer(

Could anyone please suggest the cause and solution for this?

16 years ago