Chris Host

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since Aug 08, 2007
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Recent posts by Chris Host

Thanks Ben, Thanks Eric.

We finally found out the reason for the pop-up.
Actually part of the HTML page was created with the help of MSWord. MSWord itself inserted some smart tags in the document, which caused the havoc. When I commented the SmartTags and made some bypass, the pop-up disappeared.

But I still could not get to conclusion on how the smart tags are related with the CSS.

Thanks once again for guiding me in the right direction.
Thanks Ben.

When I started this thread, I thought of putting the code. But My boss restricted me to do that and supported himself with the company policy. That is the only reason, I failed to furnish the code. I understand it is very difficult and even impossible to debug, with out seeing the code. But I am in the desparate position, Where I am not allowed to display the code. Sorry for this ben. Thanks for the effort.

This is a continuation of my previous problem.

To add the headache, another page also giving me the same warning.

when I check both those pages im my workstation's IE, it generates warning in both the pages.
However, When I try the same in my neighbour's workstation, The warning is only on one page.
Both the workstation's IE has been set with default settings only and both IE are of same version.

Is that problem with any other criteria regarding browser?

Please help.
Thanks Ben,

Sorry , Yesterday I took off. So I could not reply.

I checked all over the page.All the src attribute are in place and are perfect.

But I wonder why the warning disappears when I disable the color function in the css? Could you explain the possible cause please?

Thanks once again for taking interest on this issue.
Thanks for the reply.


All my CSS use relative path only.

My application uses secure connection. But on one page I am getting

"This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display nonsecure items?"

pop-up. I have been looking for a solution. I searched this forum for a solution. But none of them resolved my problem.

I checked all my image links. They are correctly referenced through relative paths.

My page doesn't use IFrame. All my css uses relative path to refer images.

But when I disable color setting for css, The problem disappears.

This is what I did.

Tools > Internet Options > Accessibility > [Check] Ignore colors specified on the webpages.

So I could realize that the problem is with css.

But I can not find what actually causes the problem.

I looked the sources of the page by giving YES at one time and NO at another time. But There is no difference between their sources.

Please help to resolve this.
