Yannick Ongena

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since Sep 06, 2007
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Recent posts by Yannick Ongena

Well, i really want to create one myself because i want to learn it... That's the only reason
In october i start as a consultant where i have to work with jsf alot and i want to learn something in advance before i get my education there...
I know there are a lot of menu controls... i used the myFaces menu or the menu controls from the ADF from oracle but i was wondering how i could write such a control myself... you see
16 years ago
I want to create a custom control that acts like a menu. I have a XML file that contains the caption for each menu item + an action conform the navigation rule in the faces-config file.
THe problem is... i don't know how to invoke the action from my custom control.
I really don't know how to add for example a <h:CommandLink action=... to a custom control.
I tryied creating a new instance of a HtmlCommandLink but don't know what to do with the methodbinding stuff...
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
16 years ago