Youdhveer Panwar

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since Sep 06, 2007
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Recent posts by Youdhveer Panwar

If you are using maven, use following dependencies.

And finally, use any type of library on jsp, for example if you want to use JSTL core then use following,

Note -- Also try to use tomcat 7 with Servlet 3.0-compliant server.

If still facing issue, let me know complete configuration including maven, struts version, servlet api version etc.

8 years ago
Try to send userName and password in data array
8 years ago
To remove this warning you need to change following...

See your struts.xml file what name you have specified...

If you are using namespace / and your action name is 'Login' then replace Login.action to Login as given below...

<s:form action="Login.action" method="post" >

Use below with namespace

1) <s:form action="Login" method="post" namespace="/">


2) <s:form action="/Login" method="post" >

Now you will not get this warning.

For more details
11 years ago

String ipAddress=request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For");

request.getRemoteAddr(), it may return if apache redirection has been configured at your deployment server.

So use whatever you like. You can see also here Client ip-address using java
12 years ago
Thanks to all ranchers for support me. I just wish for the best of luck to all of you for your exam in future.
15 years ago
Hi all
I have cracked SCWCD 1.5 exam with 76% marks. It was not so easy. But it was a quit tricky and performance based exam.

Reference Book:There are three best book that I noticed for this exam.
1)Head First Jsp/Servlet
2)SCWCD study By David Brigwater
3)Hanumant Deshmukh SCWCD Exam Book

Youdhveer Panwar
SCWCD 1.5 with 76%
SCJP 1.4 with 80%
15 years ago