deepakagarwal agarwal

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since Jan 14, 2008
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Recent posts by deepakagarwal agarwal

I was facing issue regarding the method file size while compiling the JSP's in weblogic using JROCKIT as the the compiled file size got increased compared to when JSPs were being compiled using JDK 1.5
The size is may JROCKIT maintains a more advance stack map compared to what's been mainted by JDK 1.5 which faciliates in garbage collection and other activities making it ideal for development/production env.

Limitation here is I need to use JROCKIT but keep the file size same as it used to be when the JDK 1.5 was being used.
Question: Can this be handled by using any JVM flags also if i use any, will that be impacting the garbage collection process JROCKIT follows since the JVM flag will restrict the size of the stackmap.

10 years ago
how can i create a interface that can be implemented just like serilaizable interface.
I don't wan either to implement Serializable interface or extend any class.
by my interface.
Marker interface doesnotconatins any method declaration.
16 years ago
There are couple of implicit objects provided by container on either of servlets or jsp.
If some implict object are not required can i restrict those to be available on my servlet/jsp page.
16 years ago