Tom Wake

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since Feb 10, 2008
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Recent posts by Tom Wake

Thanks very much will give this a try
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the suggestion. I have the problem that users of the website are able to submit News articles to the database and I'm sure that not everyone will remember to use code in their articles.

Is there a way to automatically convert line breaks to the html code?
Hi guys,

Thank you for your quick responses.

Basically my CSS class is -

The code that reads in from the database is -

The pre codes in the class are fine for firefox and include line breaks in the text being read in and wrap the text within the cell.

The break-all is for IE, break word includes line breaks but doesn't wrap the text. If I use break-word it wraps the text within the cell but doesn't include line breaks.

Also, using <pre> </pre> tags intead of my css class doesn't seem to wrap the text in either browser.

Any ideas?
[ February 11, 2008: Message edited by: Tom Wake ]
Oh I was just wondering why this had been edited? I'm new here and hope I'm complying with your rules.

Hope someone can help me!
Hi, I don't know if anyone here can help me on this one,

Basically I've got a page reading in text from a database.

Now there are problems that I've been encountering with white space.
I've made a section in my CSS to combat this problem which is now fine in firefox. Internet Explorer seems to be the problem.

putting in -
word-wrap: break-word; preserves line breaks in the text being read in, however this option doesn't wrap the text to the cell it's being put in.

white-space: normal; wraps the text to the cell but doesn't preserve line breaks.

I can only seem to use one of these options at a time so I'm abit stuck for ideas really. Does anyone know anything about this or a fix for it?

[ February 10, 2008: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]