vineet walia

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since Feb 16, 2008
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Recent posts by vineet walia

Strings are reference type in Java, I created a code snippet to validate the same behavior but It doesn't look like working.

Code Snippet:-


java is not fun
Java is fun!

Expected Output:-

java is not fun
java is not fun

4 years ago
Please suggest book for web service exam certification?
i have to pass this value to jsp variable ..
please suggest how i can do this
i dont know much about struts
12 years ago

is this a correct way to get value from ongl stack to jsp page ..
12 years ago
one more stupid question..

is this is correct way to get that variable inside jsp
12 years ago
from which interface you are implementing action class ..
i am new to struts so dont know that much
12 years ago
my action class is

my jsp is

i am using session.put("tokenid",tokenid); to set tokenid variable in session
but its showing null point exception error while executing

12 years ago
i am using netbean so i guess i need to put this file under package..
i tried this also not working

can you please post detail structure for netbean or eclipse ide
12 years ago

this is my main file.. and struts config file is

i am using netebean 7 and i am putting struts file under web-inf
12 years ago
i am new in struts 2. can you please help me out in setup struts2.0 framework in netbeans. i have 6.9 and 7.0 version of neatbeans

or any plugin for eclipse will also work 4 me
13 years ago

Henry Wong wrote:

vineet walia wrote:
why it is returning true.
in this obj is Object type. so obj reference type is object.if i will test this reference type with UsableVNO it should return false. but it is not returning

The instanceof operator is use to test whether an object is of a particular class type. It is *not* used to test whether the reference pointing to the object is a particular reference type... the later case can be done at compile time, and quite frankly, has very limited usefulness.


ok fine
so obj is object type of Object.
why it is returning true in instancsof operator.
what i think
obj instanceof UsableVNO should return false.
and vice-versa should return true

Object (obj)
UsableVNO (uno)
uno instanceof Object-----.true
obj insyanceof UsableVNO---false

i got confused in
why it is returning true.
in this obj is Object type. so obj reference type is object.if i will test this reference type with UsableVNO it should return false. but it is not returning please explain why.

Object (obj)

i have to print f1 interface variable