Sven Hefner

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since Feb 27, 2008
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Recent posts by Sven Hefner

Hi !

when persisting (updating) an entity you would call EntityManager.persist(entity) passing the complete entity. It is possible to intercept with @PreUpdate.

Does anyone have a recipe how to identify which properties have changed in this interceptor method ? Somehow comparing the old and the new entity ? Even better to implement a generic method instead of comparing field by field for each class.

Thanks for any insights

I love to work with code templates, aka macros. In NB they (user-created) are stored in a xml file under the user document folder.
"..\Documents and Settings\userxyz\.netbeans\x.y\config\Editors\text\x-java\CodeTemplates\org.."

but the templates that come with NB are in a jar file(?). not sure about that.
I was looking for it because the editor for the templates has a odd way of sorting them.

Question: Does anyone knows about a list of all variables like and so on ? I want to create templates using the actual date or user or similar.

[ August 05, 2008: Message edited by: Sven Hefner ]
when you create multiple resource files for the various language you want to use, you can change the language during start with VM parameter "-Dcountry - Dlanguage". think it also reads the equivalent settings from the OS.
but you need to compile it into one file.
15 years ago
Hi all,
I was evaluating the internationalization features in NB. It works a bit like resource files that are linked fix into the jar file.
For this approach is there are way to change language during runtime ?
or better..
is there a small framework to read the text (labels,..) from an outside source (DB,XML file,.) ? That also makes easier for 3rd parties to translate the GUI without touching code. Of course can implement by myself, but why reinvent again ?
15 years ago