shekar nadar

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since Mar 31, 2008
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Recent posts by shekar nadar

Thank you.

It looks like can i can do something

But i was only able to preview the book could not get the complete chapter at

Can i find the free e- book any where as it is asking me to pay for the subscription.

Where can i find the resource to read chapter 19

" If you are looking for a more classical WAR deployment approach but with using OSGi, then take a look at OSGi RFC66 (web container) and some of the things coming out of the Jetty project at Eclipse. "

Where can i find the material to read more about this and which method would be more effective?

Also if i am making a web application modular.

what are the basic things using which i can achieve modularity in Web Application?

Any lights on this would be great :-)

I am creating a modular web application using Spring Dynamic Modules and OSGI.

And using equinox for the osgi implementation

I have created a sample application following the explanation in a book.

Now what I want to do is

I want to create different bundles according to each module.

How can i achieve this ?

Like suppose my application has two modules one is the login module and second is the User module.

How should the bundles be created than ?

My login module may have some jsp pages,a application context, a dispatcher servlet, controllers and some business classes.

Similarly my User module may have some jsp pages,a application context, a dispatcher servlet, controllers and some business classes.

And i guess i would have only one web.xml file for the whole application

How can i make the dispatcher servlet of the bundles available in the web.xml file?
u can use javascript to dynamically add the rows.
15 years ago
how can i use itext to write the script for a submit button to save the pdf form in the server
15 years ago