ta ton

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since Jul 15, 2001
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Recent posts by ta ton

Hi All,
We've just completed a desktop application and sent to clients. During our testing there was no problem with printing (we tested in our HP laserjet printers). However, clients logged their complaints since they could not printing on their printers (either Epson or Lexmark or any printers with their manufactures' printer drivers but not from window's printer drivers). I searched for similar problems in Sun's forums but returned with all questions asked but no solution.
Does anyone know this is a problem or bug in printing API? Why does printing work with a printer but not for other?
Thanks in advance for any help.
22 years ago
If you don't have a computer then how do you learn java? from books? I don't think learn java from books will be enough for exam. It's not hard to get a PC now a day.
22 years ago
Thank you all for your comments, advices. The project I've mentioned having some very big classes. The biggest is 9,920 lines of code. It worked and sastified user requirements but in developer's point of view I feel it may be difficult for others to maintain later when debugging thru thousands lines of code. Since it worked and the project's approaching delivery date it's hard to convince them to rework on these classes. Could you please advise how to solve this "problem". Thanks.
22 years ago
Hi Everyone,
I'm doing a research on Java language and review a few programs which written by someone else. The size of each program is about 8000 lines or 150 pages of A4. The program is a very crowded screen with hundres of fields required to validate. Initially, I felt overhelm by its size but the programmer insists codes need to be in one program but I read in java code convention stated a java program should not be more than 2000 lines. Could you please give me advices what size for a good program. If it is big could we break it into smaller classes? In this case, a screen design using swing, should all codes be together in one place?
Thanks in advance.
22 years ago