paraakaram verma

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since Apr 16, 2008
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Recent posts by paraakaram verma

hi ankur ...

do you know how bit depth of boolean is dependent on

15 years ago
Hi there,

Has anybody used SWT sashform on pda

I mean if there support for swt.custom.sashform for PDA

Thanks in Advance

15 years ago

I am new to J2ME

Just a few questions to ask?

1. Is any java application which is run on midp2.0/cldc1.1 called Midlet

2. If the above is correct, what is the correct way to create a application jar or Midlet.

3. what is the role of .jad and .crt files and are they necessary to deploy the application on pda/emulator

4. how can we create .jad and .crt files for the application jar, are there any tools available.

5. How do I deploy the application on emulator, I am using J9 as jvm here
and have created the J9/MIDP20/ Folders under Program Files and copied bin, lib and examples folder from the J9 which got installed on my PC to Emulator

6. How do I find the "jre" required by the J9 jvm when It tries to run the application, right now I have configured my emulator to have additional memory using storage card, where I copied the rt.jar and tools.jar and added them in the classpath of the command line which I wrote in the .lnk file I created

This is my .lnk file

255#"\Program Files\J9\MIDP20\bin\j9.exe" "-jcl:midp20" "-classpath" "\apps\propco1.jar;\swt.jar;\Storage Card\charsets.jar;\Storage Card\rt.jar;\Storage Card\tools.jar" "\apps\propco1.jad"

Propco is the name of my application.jar

Thanks in Advance
15 years ago

I deveeloped a client sever application for PDA to share files with the server using wi-fi

My client side is in SWT,

A quick List of facts
- The application has been developed against J9, on Eclipse.
- I am trying to test the application on EMULATOR with J9 for WM5 Installed on it.

What I have done till now
1. The code works fine on development platform.
2. On the emulator, I was able to find J9 for WM5, but I am not sure if it is correct.According to the installation file, which came with J9, I have run the sample example which came with the J9 using emultor.exe. The example runs fine, I have tried to follow the same path using emulator.exe to run my application, but with no results

3. I tried j9.exe using link file and typing the command line in it. but the j9 gets a problem and a report is sent to microsoft

The problem I am facing right now:

I am unable to deploy the application on the emulator.

Thanks In advance
Please let me know if you need more clarification on the problem above

15 years ago