Michael Schumacher

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since May 08, 2008
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Recent posts by Michael Schumacher

The issue is that the depth/complexity of the code - yes a tool isn't going to handle the complexity of the code, but a tool that could show the call structure of methods could reveal a method getting called at the start of the level then down 5 calls, it could get called again, when it shouldn't get called since at level 1, it already had that information. This is where having a tool to show this would help clean up code legacy code.
11 years ago
I'm trying to determine what parts of an application that I can have performance improved by determining if a method is being called within a for loop that could be moved outside of the for loop, or any code that is retrieving a row from the database and later on does the same call again.

Is there such a beast that will do this?

Thanks, Michael
11 years ago
I'm going through this book on Safari and trying to get the secured login to work, but having issues. Since the book is a bit out of date with the current version of Netbeans and the Glassfish it is loaded, I think that is what I'm hitting. I've got 6.9 of Netbeans and GlassFish 3.0.1 Anyway, the book was going from Netbeans 6.5 and Glassfish 2.

Does anyone have experience with setting up "Form Based Authentication"? In the book, I'm referring to page 79 and on with the example...

Mods - if this isn't a good spot, please move.

My web.xml

My sun-web.xml

When I navigate to the address they say, it doesn't go to the login.jsp, it just displays the admin.jsp page.

13 years ago
I'm working on removing a Database column and looking to see how this one page is being used, however I cannot determine how it would get displayed. I'm currently searching the code for the "path/actionName" and only find the reference in the jsp and struts-config.xml - is there other ways that an actionPath get called in an app?

15 years ago
Okay, maybe the subject doesn't represent what I'm looking for, but at my work we like to have the programmer limit the number of characters per line - for example, we'd like to limit it to being 100 characters per line, anything past 100 characters, the programmer should move code/comments to the next line.

Is there some visual, dotted vertical line that can be turned on?

Thanks, Michael