Devasia Manuel

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since May 13, 2008
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Recent posts by Devasia Manuel

Hey Ulf,

Frankly speaking, I haven't built the crawler yet, I just messed around a bit with the GET and POST requests and when I realized that it didn't work...I knew I could rely on help from I'm hoping to pick up some tips that will help me crawl this "uncrawlable" site.

As I said before, I'm not interested in all those Flash files it loads and the JavaScript but simply the table which appears at the bottom of the screen, which is just simple text (as far as I know).
If I understand your question correctly, maybe you should look into Threads in Java.

That way, you can both the Servant and the Boss classes simultaneously.

Oops, you've already done that!
13 years ago
Thanks for the reply Joe.

Well, I was using Tamper Data (its this handy tool from Firefox that intercepts GET and POST requests) and I didn't seem to find any sort of session info encoded into the POST and neither did the site drop any Cookies that could carry the data on my PC.

As for the user agent, I configured the Request Header of my Java program to use the same user agent value as Firefox

But that still didn't seem to do the trick. Any ideas?

P.S. I know that crawling this site can be done because I posted this exact same problem on another forum a long while back and this very helpful programmer wrote the whole code for me! (I'm not trying to suggest anything here) Anyway, he handed me the compiled class files which have been long lost, and I can't seem to reach him again to explain how he did it.
Hey Guys,

I've been using Java for a couple of years and have no problem web crawling common HTML pages but quite recently, I stumbled upon a website that seems impossible to's the link:

My final aim is to make a program that captures the table at the bottom of the screen when the 'Predict' button is clicked.

No matter what I do, I just can't figure out how that data selected in the drop down box is communicated back to the server. I tried using both the GET and POST commands, but no results!

It's an ASPX page so I guess it doesn't use GET or POST (I've got no clue how ASP .NET works and I'm just assuming)

Furthermore, I used that handy little tool in Firefox called 'Tamper Data', it allows you to see all communications from the client side to the server, I tried to identify any sort of command that would relay the selected stock symbol back to the server. But to no avail!

I'm really desperate, will someone please help me?

Thanks in advance,
Devasia Manuel

Is there any way of doing the problem I have described without going to every one of my methods and typing in a System.out.println() statement.

I mainly want to do this because I have written a HUGE java application with about 43 classes and 500 methods. However I am trying to find a way to debug it.
14 years ago
First of all, thank you very much for your posts.

I just want to ask one question about the Loggers, if I have a thousand methods which all need to be logged, will I have to go to each method and put a Logger.debug(); statement in it

Secondly, I heard that a tool like the one I described is already part of the Eclipse IDE, is that true?

14 years ago
Hi friends,

I am trying to find a Java debugging tool that searches through a Java source file and places a System.out.println() statement after each method which prints the name of the method.

If anyone knows of such a tool which exists and can point it out to me or make one for me, thank you so much!

For example (before debugging tool is run):

After tool is run:

14 years ago
Is it possible to copy the Robot class that Sun provides except change the part where the class tells the OS to hide the mouse and run it as my own class?
15 years ago
That's my problem, every time java tells the OS to hide the mouse and then redraw it. The mouse blinks which is very annoying and it is crucial that it doesn't happen in my program
15 years ago
I get it now, I think I'll just stick to .bat files.

Thanks for your help everybody!!!
15 years ago
Every time I take a screen shot with Java, the mouse blinks, is it possible to take screen shots without the mouse blinking??

15 years ago
I have a JFrame with a text field inside it. When I run the program, the JFrame appears normally. In my program, I have repeatedly asked the JFrame and text field to requestFocus. However, when I click on another window, the JFrame loses focus for a second but regains it again. However, when I type, the letters don't come in the text field.

How can I make it so whenever I type, the text should only appear in the text field.
15 years ago
I think the batch file method looks more appealing to me...How exactly do I make a batch file that will allow me to run the program
15 years ago
Thanks guys, it worked, I just needed to call dispose on the JFrame then set it to setVisible(true)
15 years ago
I meant without the user having to do anything to start the application and make it run on startup
15 years ago