Vaskar Dasgupta

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since Jul 20, 2001
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Recent posts by Vaskar Dasgupta

Please Site the technical differences between Weblogic Server 6.1 and SilverStream/Novell Extend A/S
21 years ago
As far as i understand java.exe by default will look for the class files in the current directory where it is being run from, using a * buffers the directory contents, and the small simple program parsers the * to get the output on the screen..............Somebody please give adetailed explanation, if possible how the code actually works if by using a verbose output (java -verbose test * .........Could not get anything after trying for myself). Any figures or aatachments are welocome to
22 years ago
How does the JVM understand that, when it is DOS command. Is it something to do with the way the program 'java.exe' works ? Awaiting a reply..............
22 years ago
can you give an explanation for my first query java test * (the star) ???
22 years ago
I am sorry to say even that doesnt work for me... i mean the ?......... "java fileName ?.java" does not work for me at all....this is my output, my file name is
D:\>java test ?.java
22 years ago
java ?.java ...................... i didn't get it, does not work for me. ? is not the name of the file so ?.java will throw a exception " Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ?/java "
22 years ago
class test{
public static void main(String args[]){
for (int i = 0;i < args.length; i++) {
System.out.println("File " + i + ":" + args[i]);
if (args.length<=0) {
System.out.println("No files!");
Compile it and
Run this program using - java test * (its a star)
The out put of this program is the name of the files and folders in the directory from where it is run. No other special character used in the command prompt works like this except *......Any explanations ???
22 years ago
Thanks Nathan, I had done that (putting the JCheckBoxes in the JPanel and then the JPanel in the JScrollPane) but the scroll pane doesnt show up. FYI I am not setting any layout for the JPanel in the JScrollPane.
Waiting for your reponse. Thanks in advance.
22 years ago
I have a JPanel on which 15 JCheckBoxes have been put. I want to put a vertical and horizontal JScrollBar so that i can scroll to the 15th JCheckBox. having 15 check boxes otherwise makes the window too bag. Sample code will be appreciated. I am desperately in need of this code snippet as early as possible.
22 years ago
Nathan its been a long time since i wrote to you, and i hope you arent missing any of your last trains to your home. Coming to business,
I would like to display a ResultSet in a JTable. How do i make the JTbale Non-Editable.
Secondly the JTable does not get repainted/refreshed when i display the next ResultSet rather it is overlapped on the earlier displayed data.
A sample code will be more appreciated.
22 years ago
This is a runtime error that i get after running the program for some time successfully. Any Explanation would be helpful. Before displaying this message on the console i get a Dr Watson error in a message box.
*** panic: GC failed to enter single threaded mode (possibly undetached threads?), error code = -1
abnormal program termination
22 years ago
Thanks a lot Junilu for tyhe info, it was very helpful.
22 years ago
Require urgent help !!!
How do you get the name of the machine where the java application is running ???
22 years ago
java.text.SimpleDateFormat formatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("mmm dd yyyy hh:mm a");
java.util.Date dt = new java.util.Date();
String dtStr = formatter.format(dt);
java.sql.Date objDt = new java.sql.Date.valueOf(dtStr);
cStmt.setDate(2,objDt); (cStmt is an object of Callable Statement)
Class java.sql.Date. valueOf not found. java.sql.Date objDt = new java.sql.Date.valueOf(dtStr);
1 error
22 years ago
How to have a new line of text in a JOptionPane. The message i am displaying is a looooooong one, thus the width of the JOptionPane becomes too long. I want the text too come to the net line.
JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane("UserID/Password should be minimum 3/8 & maximum 8/12 characters. Blah Blah Blah................", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
JDialog info1 = optionPane.createDialog(parentFrame,"DES Login");
Awaiting Reply
22 years ago