Ashutosh Devbrat

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since Jun 24, 2008
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Recent posts by Ashutosh Devbrat

Hi Earnest,

Thanks for the reply.
I have already tried a those things. My Xml files are UTF-8 encoded.
Apart from the the character encoding of my xml reader is also UTF-8.
I am trying to print the output only for trial purpose. In the application,
the data once extracted directly goes into the database(mysql). The database is capable of storing/displaying special character.

Even after all these things the issue remains.

even if I try to print any special character using a simple System.out.println("�"); It appears as '?' on the linux machine.
Now the question remains whether catalina.out(tomcat logger) has the ability to display special character or not. I tried to open it in different editors , even tried to change the encoding schemes. but the output remained '?'.

So all I can conclude from this java was not able to extract/read the � when hosted in CcentOS environment, which is surprizing considering java is platform independent.

I hope I make my point clear.

Once again, Thanks for showing interest.

15 years ago

I am using XMLReader and IPTCEntry classes to read xml file and images, then storing the required data into the database. The data is being extracted properly without any issue in windows, but surprisingly on fedora core and centOS and not able to read the special characters.

The copyright symbol i.e. '�' is extracted as '?' by centOS and '���' by fedora core 4.

The code is fine because I am deploying the same war on all the different machines.
Java is a platform independent language so it should fetch the same symbol irrespective of the operating system.

along with the � double quotes(as copied from MS word) '�' is replaced by '?' in centOS.

Is it because of some setting issue where in centOS is unable to read those characters or a java bug.

Any help is most welcome
15 years ago