Tushar Londhe

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since Jul 08, 2008
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Recent posts by Tushar Londhe

Hi Guys,

I want to take backup of a table.
But I dont want to use Select * into, so is there any other query
which I can fire in order to get table backup.
Hi Guys,

I have a scenario like this:

I am taking table backup and creating files say tablebackup.backup
The code is running fine in NetBeans 6.0 but when I deploy this
application all those files are not created.
15 years ago
Hi Guys,

I want to take back up of a table for ex: table1
I am using PostgreSQL as my dbase.
Wht I am doing is

I am using pg_dump.exe utility to take backup
and I am taking back up into some files ex: filetable1.backup

I am using select * into temp_tbl from table1
Now after this I am executing pg_dump.exe and taking back up into files
after that I am dropping the temp_tbl.

Now because that temp_tbl is deleted I am not able to take back up
However I am taking care that I am dropping the table after I have taken backup.

But still I am not able to create backup ...........Why ???