Karthi Bala

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 27, 2001
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Recent posts by Karthi Bala

I too failed becaz I didn't worked with Web Services so far.

I scored 63% and am sure that will pass in the real Exam.

Name : Karthikeyan
Place : Milan, Italy
Date : 4 June 2003.

WL 8.1 is very heavy. Plan it accordingly. My suggesstion is to have 1 GB of Ram or more
19 years ago
I saw a Article reg Workshop with HttpUnit in dev2dev
Please check it up.
19 years ago
IS the survey completed and will those who not participated in the survey can also appear in the BETA ?
Thanks a lot to all in this forum....
I am happy to get this certificate and looking forward to SCBCD 1.3 ...which I previously failed to make it in the BETA.
Congrats to all passed and those who are not able to make it.
I sure the next time you will make it.

Hi all,
I am interested to know any body of started developing Portals with WLP 8.1.
What I think is WLP 8.1 Offers a lot but when it comes to the User requirements, 70% percent of the Product offerings is not useful.
Hence we need to do the remaining 30% with all custom development.
Any opinions,
20 years ago
I think there is no webapp defined for the context /
You need to define a context path in weblogic server.
20 years ago
Hi all,
As I am working on WL 8.1, I found this doc which speaks about the changes from 6.1 and 8.1
20 years ago
Hi all,
I too gave the Exam on Feb 6th from Italy.
I can surely say that the difficulty of the Exam got increased from 1.3 to 1.4.
Yes, I too noticed some Typos in the Exam.
In Relation to previous topic
Similar error in j2ee_1_4.xsd
<xsd:restriction base="j2ee:fully-qualified-classType"/>
Any ideas
I have been trying to create web descriptor file using the latest xsd schema web-app_2_4.xsd. I am using XML Spy tool.
The tool complains that about section with:
<xsd:extension base="j2ee:nonEmptyStringType"/>
in servlet-nameType element of the schema, as nonEmptyStringType definitions is a defined as a xsd:complexType and the tool rightly says that simple type cannot contain complex type.
Is this a known bug in the schema?
So I am not able to validate the web.xml
Any ideas??
Try to check the validity of the Deployment Descriptor for the web application using weblogic builder before deploying the web application into the weblogic server.
20 years ago