Jean-Paul Cassis

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since Aug 27, 2008
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Game development is a tough market in general, on mobile phones especially.

In order to earn money with JME games, from my point of view, it is necessary to get paid for the game development at least partially by a company which wants to use the game in a marketing campaign.

After a brief period of time your game will be "cracked" and available for free. Therefore, money is earned only in a brief period of time directly after the launch.

In my opinion, if you want to go for money, choose another road.
15 years ago
Stephen, thank you very much for pointing out this issue.

I would like to elaborate it a little bit by giving the complete example.

Using the file with the following content:

Trying to compile it on windows shows the following error:

C:\java>javac -version
javac 1.6.0 cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor Byte(int)
location: class java.lang.Byte
Byte b = new Byte(12);
1 error

I am using the Sun SDK and the -version flag indicates the compiler version.

Now I would like to list valid alternative code lines:

Therefore, from my point of view Stephen is 100% correct!

Further I would like to note that

although completely irrelevant to the issue above is a valid, i.e. compileable and executable, line of code. The initial value just needs to fit into the byte value range [-128,127].



[ August 27, 2008: Message edited by: Jean-Paul Cassis ]
[ August 27, 2008: Message edited by: Jean-Paul Cassis ]
15 years ago