bhagya hari

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since Oct 15, 2008
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Recent posts by bhagya hari

You can use stringTokenizer if you use the "~" as separator for the id and name.
15 years ago
Please post what you have tried and the problem you have faced while running the code.

It will be helpful to fix the problems in your code.

15 years ago
What is the problem? Describe it.

How it is possible to put super in the do while loop?
You can put the super only in the constructor first line.
There is no direct method for this.

You can create a customized Textfield extends JTextField. In the constructor use the class which extends PlainDocument.
By overriding the method insertString in PlainDocument interface you can allow the user to enter only the specified number of character.
15 years ago
Hi Jesus Angeles,

You can create a single header for three columns using colspan tag.