nesto costa

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since Jan 14, 2009
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hope someone can help me.
i'm building a page which has a table with 4 columns.
the first column as only numbers.
i want every item in the first column to be a link to a details page for that number.
for example, imagine i have 1 to 5 items and i click the item number 2.
i want to see the page with the details of the item 2.
the problem is, i have a details page which has an inputtext box, a commandbutton and a table that is generated by a method that receives the value from the inputtext.
this page works fine if i enter it and search, but i want to see the details of an item right after clicking the item link without having to search for it.

does anyone know how to make this work?

14 years ago
the file which is being given by String fich in the dataParse function is the source file with the normal text. inside the while cicle, if i print every line, it doesn't appear like the source text but it appears with these escape sequences.

any sugestion?
15 years ago
i made the following parser:

the LanguageBean has 2 fields, code and description.

my problem is when i try to parse this file:

has you can see some of the words have accents and when i parse the file it comes out like this:

i tried to change the encoding of the scanner but nothing good came out of it...

anyone with sugestions??

JCE: Please use code tags
15 years ago

i have a that has a HashMap<String,String> langs where the key is for example "EN" and the value "ENGLISH".
this HashMap is filled with keys and values from a database by this method public void getLangSet().
then, i have a myForm where i do the following:

LanguageImpl l=new LanguageImpl();
request.setAttribute("test",l.getLangs()); where l.getLangs() returns the HashMap<String,String> langs

then in my jsp i have

<html:select property="xxx">
<html:options collection="test" property="key" labelProperty="value" />

now my problem is this, no matter what value i put in the property of html:select, i always get the same error:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method available for property xxx for bean under name org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

i'm having trouble understanding what is this property and what it does...
can anyone help me?

15 years ago