David Silkin

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since Jan 19, 2009
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Recent posts by David Silkin

Thanks, I will look at that, I saw some problems in the code. I wasnt passing objects to hibernate to persist. More reading is required. Thanks
thanks for the helpful replies so far. Mark, I did as you suggested and committed the transaction, and I also closed session as you advised, Sridhar. This is what I got:

oh dear. I think that sorta changes the scope of this topic, I dont want to disobey the rules. At least I've moved a step forward thanks to you guys. Any advice before I move along is welcome, your help has been appreciated, this site is great
Thanks Mark, heres the hibernate sql being output to console:

Hibernate: delete from user where username=?

Rows affected 3 - this is just an extra out statement for me to see if any rows were returned. I will look into the transaction being committed as well as the manual SQL option. Thanks for reply!
Ive been able to add records to db, however when I try to delete, nothing happens despite executeUpdate() returning the correct number of rows, indicating that the query works lol

i dont think looking at the snippet is necessary but here it is anyway...

Ive searched the forum for similar problems but cant find it. I can post the hbm files etc in reply, I will continue to work on it and if I find the answer, Ill post it. Thanks in advance for any help
Thank you Paul and Bauke, as soon as I read your replies I knew how silly my post looked. I have followed disparate tutorials and sometimes it can be tricky to think outside the scope of one and apply other concepts to it. Thanks for the help, much appreciated!
Hi everyone, this is my first ever post to a coding forum; I must really like this place ... Anyway I have a bunch of classes that use hibernate to do database stuff. I would now like to have servlets referencing these DAOs but I dont how to merge the two so that the servlet can perform db operations, as they are in different directories. I hope this makes sense to someone. Thanks in advance!
