Yeonsil Yoon

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since Mar 10, 2009
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Recent posts by Yeonsil Yoon

Hi.. I'm really begineer in java...
I'm trying to change plug-in project file but it's not easy..

public class AccelerometerView extends ViewPart {
This class is used for making UI like panel, button, label, etc. and it called just once when program is launched.
Looks like this is not use constructor. The UI generated using application.start() (?).

public class AccelerometerData {
This class is used for handling socket data. It received data from socket.

What I'm trying to do is check the data in AccelerometerData and update the AccelerometerView.
But I don't know how to update the existing UI attribute ex. button name change.

I'm not sure even my question is correct..
Thank you!

15 years ago
Hi.. I'm really begineer in java...
I'm trying to change plug-in project file but it's not easy..

public class AccelerometerView extends ViewPart {
This class is used for making UI like panel, button, label, etc. and it called just once when program is launched.
Looks like this is not use constructor. The UI generated using application.start() (?).

public class AccelerometerData {
This class is used for handling socket data. It received data from socket.

What I'm trying to do is check the data in AccelerometerData and update the AccelerometerView.
But I don't know how to update the existing UI attribute ex. button name change.

I'm not sure even my question is correct..
Please help me!

15 years ago