lashawn walker

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since Mar 17, 2009
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Recent posts by lashawn walker

i have no idea.

I am trying to work part time with a work at home job and i need to get into the schedule to pick hours and also open the page where i take calls. Each shows this message. But i can open it at my fulltime office job, at my mothers house and my sisters house.

On all of the the computers that do allow me to get on I didnt have to download anything called tubesock the pages just opened once i installed java or updated it.

I am not computer savvy so i have no idea what tubesock is and wouldnt know how to find it on the computer and every time i ask someone for help they say i have to re install java. but i did over and over and still cant get it in(deleting everytime so that i dont have it on multiple times). I do see however that in trusted certificates in the java console nothing is there but i dont know how to put the company in there.

Once it get back home I will post what it says in the java box where you normally go to clear stuff. I remember it saying something like can not find unknown something and a whole bunch of figures i know nothing about.

maybe that will help
15 years ago
thats exactly what it says i just copied and pasted it to this forum
15 years ago
I get this message when i am trying to open the work schedule for work and I dont know what to do

I have cleaned removed and re installed java. the only thing i see different on my home computer and work computer is that it doesnt have anything in the trusted certificates in the java control panel

I can open it at work but not at my home computer
i can also open it on my mothers computer

Please help
15 years ago
couldn't initialize tubesock: Unable to communicate with applet after 5 attempts

I get this message when i am trying to open a schedule for work and I dont know what to do

I have cleaned removed and re installed java. the only thing i see different on my home computer and work computer is that it doesnt have anything in the trusted certificates in the jav control panel
I can open it at work but not at my home computer
i can also open it on my granddaughters computer

Please help
15 years ago