jatinkumar patel

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since Apr 19, 2009
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Recent posts by jatinkumar patel

I am new to Php, so i am unable to find out the mistake i made.
Thanks for help.

13 years ago

The user cant bookmark a form submission if you use POST instead of GET. Depending on
your app, you may or may not want users to be able to bookmark the resulting request
from a form submission.
13 years ago
thanks for the quick reply.

But i didnt understood your question
You're getting this without a server upgrade?!

14 years ago
I have developed a web project, which was running properly. But suddenly i started getting error SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception.
I never got an error while developing this project, neither got after succefsul completion of project. But suddenly i am gettin this error
Need your help. Thanks in advance.

Thanks for help.
14 years ago
Thanks for quick reply.

I am using myeclipse . Can you suggest me the place in myeclipse where i should modify settings inorder to remove error.
14 years ago
1. i put break point
2. i start debugg mode
3. when i press inot submit button on my web site screen, it reaches to break point........ then
4. it shows a blank page with message on f6 Source not found for NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not available
5. on next f6 Source not found for DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not available
6. on next f6 Source not found for Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: not available
7. on next f6 Source not found.

Can you please help me out where the error is?
14 years ago
Need to know why i am getting returnNull = true and what are the cons due to this.
Is it just an warning? or this retunNull = true is something to do with some problem in project.

14 years ago

Thnks for the quick reply.
But unfortunately i am getting the same error.
14 years ago


Simillarly , other tags of tld calls other java files for retriving values from database
14 years ago
Symbol Company Holdings Latest Quote Average Cost Change From Close Change From Purchase Current Value Profit or Loss

The tag values (For eg Company, Latest Quote, Change From Close Change From Purchase Current Value Profit or Loss ) are coming blank on the web screen.
Each of the tag values in tld is calling different java file, which is not being called (Checked using debugger in eclipse.)...

If you are able also to find, where exactly is the problem. Tht will be of great help.

Thanks for help.
14 years ago
i am not able to declare plugin inside struts-config.xml

this is my current struts-config.xml

But when i try to insert

The struts-config.xml shows me error

ERROR : The Content of elemnt type "struts-config" must match "(data sources?, form beans?, global forwards?, action-mappings?)"
14 years ago
I am developing one website related to stocktrack.
But while logging in, with the desired username and password, i am not able to display all the required information from database. Half the values are getting diaplyed while half arent.

henceforth i am attachin jsp page and tld and a java while .....

add transaction.jsp .......... calls stock.tld .........which callls respectives java files from tagclass..........for eg stocktrack.taglib.stock.LongName in stock.tld calls
LongName.java file.

I have tried putting a break point in the start of LongName.java file. But debugger never leads me to LongName.java file.

So i am confused, with the error. Is ther the errro in tld file / jsp file / java file.

Henceforth i attaching
stock.tld and

Thanks for help




Link for complete problem : video TLD http://jatinkumar-patel.blogspot.com/

Thanks for the help

14 years ago

Thanks Balu Sadhasivam and Mahi Lohi for quick reply.

I made the mistake of parsing NULL value, Henceforth i was getting the previous mentioned exception.
So did the following

Thanks for meaningful and quick help.
14 years ago