Malhar Me

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since Jun 22, 2009
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Recent posts by Malhar Me

Hi Manish,

Thanks for the reply.
session time out is another scenario. (Thanks for pointing it out)
but how can I track that thing. thats the only problem I have. Using listeners, it cerate the session before successful login.
and I dont understand how can I implement it.
13 years ago
Hi ,

I am implementing the functionality to count the no. of active users, which are currently loggedin to the system.
I am using HttpSessionListener interface to track the session count, bu the problem is that even if the user is just see the index page (welcome page)the session is created.
I want that, only if user will login then session will create. How can I do that?
13 years ago

Just want to confirm this:

abstract class test1 {
public void myTest(){
public abstract void another test();

public class maintest extends test1{
public static void main(String [] args){

Will it work?
13 years ago

I read few docs on internate regarding implemetation of caching in java. I am just exited about this and I want more information regarding this. I just create this post to discuss more about it. Please share your knowledge about this.

13 years ago

How can we implement Synchronous/Asynchronous method call in java (at server side).

Can anybody tell me the exact diffrence between backing bean and managed bean.
13 years ago

I want to know about ATG framework.
What is his future?
Where is his forum?
How I can integrate it with other frameworks?

Please Help

Will it create 2 instance of a servlet by writing 2 different names in we.xml for the same servlet class.

14 years ago
What about upgrade exam?
I cleared the scjp 1.4 and looking for 1.6
So How can I do that?
Please help me...
connection.close() - it close the conection with the databse nad release all the resources.
con = null - the reference to connection object is deleted in that case if the connection are open then it still open i.e. resources are not free. increase by 1 in if, if the record is their
then it wil execute the else block that time again decrese the count by 1 i.e. it again to its original position.

Hope it will help you...
Hi Raghavan,

Could you please tell me how can I pass data from jsp to javascript using scriplet.

14 years ago
I have one question. In which scenario I use

RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(nextJSP); and
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher(nextJSP);

I know their programming difference, but I am confuse with the question where and when and which method I will use.

Waiting for reply..
14 years ago