Mark Lasby

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since Jul 01, 2009
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Recent posts by Mark Lasby

I would not recommend "Learning Java For Android Development". Please read the review at I found that the book was difficult to read and made not connection to Android.
I recommend Mark Murphy's books "The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development" and "Android Programming Tutorials". After starting these 2 books I was able to create my first usable Android app quite quickly.
12 years ago
Thank you for the help. The code is loaded.

I suggest that a FAQ be added explaining how to add a page to the Wiki for us newbies.
13 years ago
I went to the Code Barn to start a page as suggested. The Intermediate area has READ ONLY in the top right corner. If I try to upload a file I get asked for my Java Ranch password over and over again. What am I doing wrong?

Our wiki here at JavaRanch has a section for code examples called the Code Barn. ... if you don't mind creating a page there ...

I am logged in to Java Ranch.
13 years ago
Where is the best place to share code for Swing components?
I am relatively new to Java.
I have developed an Android app for my smart phone which I use to log the various tasks that I work on. This helps a lot when it comes time to fill out my timesheet on Friday.
When my colleagues saw it they asked if I could convert it to a desktop app. While developing the desktop version I had to develop a DatePickerDialog in swing like the one in Android.
I would like to share this code with others in hopes of saving them the trouble of reinventing the wheel and to get some feedback on my code.
Where is the best place to do this?
13 years ago