Amardeep Shah

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since Aug 30, 2009
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sir i have used Jdesktoppane to create the main window and then i have used jInternalFrame to make other sub-windows and added it to jDesktopPane whenever it is called on the occurenec of any event in the main window.the problem is that if i close the main window at this time, it closes, i want it not to exit until unless all the sub windows are not closed.i want that it should prohibit me to close the main windows until unless any of the sub window is opened.

with regards
Amardeep Shah
14 years ago
I had created a window based desktop application using java Swing. I used jDesktopPane for it. my problem is that when clicking a button in a parent window, a child window is opened, it asks for input, i want before the input is not given in the child window,one cannot close the parent window. just like in MS-word, when we open a font dialog box, until unless we are not done with the dialog box, we cannot close the word window.we have to first close that dialog box and then only we can close the main window of MS-word. Please Help me with some relevant examples and code.
14 years ago