Carlos Mendoza

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since Sep 14, 2009
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Recent posts by Carlos Mendoza

mmm well i'll try the orignal style
14 years ago
Oh ok all right!

i change the order of append((char) 10).append((char) 13) to append((char) 13).append((char) 10) and works fine!
thank you Dittmer!
14 years ago
Thanks for your answer Ulf, neither do I.
i try your code and nothing happen!
I'm not understand why the "\n" doesn´t works.
Ok i'll give you more info. i'm trying to generate a plain file and send it as response from an action this is how im try to do that:

the getLayout method returns the string that will be the report.
and the getIs method returns the info as bytes for response to the client (FYI Struts 2 framework).

if i display the response in a browser it works fine.

thanks for your help

P.d this is the right forum right?
14 years ago
Do you know how to print a Line feed carriage return character not using "\n"
i am trying to generate a text file (plain) and the "\n" character doesn't work, the charset is UTF-8

this my code

and the unicode characters fails too (doesn't compile).
Thanks in advance!
14 years ago
sorry i made a mistake above

this is how i try to set the form data to my Ajuste object

14 years ago
i have to use

in my action, to get the string date, and convert it to Date object and set it to my Ajuste object.
14 years ago
ok i have an Ajuste object property in my class com.primero.action.pages.AjustesAction i use it to set and get the values from the form,
the Ajuste class has 2 Date object properties

i try to set the values from my jsp in my Ajuste object in this way:

but when i execute the method insertOrUpdate i get the following error for both AJUSTEPERIODOFIN and AJUSTEPERIODOINICIO properties:

14 years ago
this is the formAjuste.jsp

this is a part of class com.primero.action.pages.AjustesAction

14 years ago
this is the file pages.xml

14 years ago
Oh sorry!

This is the struts.xml

14 years ago
Hi !
Does Struts 2 provides automatic data type conversion?
I've tried to get data form (e.g dates), and i still get only String data, my struts.xml extends struts-default (struts ver 2.0.14), i don't know what's wrong
14 years ago
Do you know how to change the attributes for a component that is inside a java server faces Table by firing a button's action (outside the table).
I wanna show and hide a text field inside a table when i click on a button,
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
14 years ago
14 years ago
Ok this is the jsp code.

i have tried this in a button's action :

but this doesn't changes the text field's value after the pages reloads.

14 years ago
Ok , Rohit i am trying to make a java server faces table "editable", by setting visible and not visible, static text and text field, the objective is that when i click on a button, hide the static text and show the text field and copy the static 's value to the text field, your suggestion works fine when the text field is not wrapped in a component, but in this case the text field is inside a column table and doesn't works, it's weird.

14 years ago