Lonesha Akaaba

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since Sep 21, 2009
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Recent posts by Lonesha Akaaba

Thanks. I'll stick with what I have
Hey Roel... you're still not understanding me... I know how to set properties... the problem with your example is that I have properties specific to the server and another set specific to the client. Because they are both in one file (per the requirements), if I only want to load and/or write those specific to the client, it requires additional code. There isn't (at least I haven't found it) a way of specifying the "group".... So, when I write client prop changes back to the file, I either have to deal with the server ones or lose them... and the reverse is true when working with the server props...

Hopefully this example will help
- client properties
-- show splash screen
-- database location (server remote or local)
-- database file (only valid when server is local)
--- etc
- server properties
-- database file
-- port
--- etc

Thanks for your responses.
Hello again...

Yes, I understand the requirements (storing properties the app requires in the file, in the current directory, etc) and that there is a Properties class. The reason why I want to use preferences is because it provides a clean way to separate my client properties from the server ones (by specifying the parent node). For example, I can write out changed client properties without having to code the logic to skip properties that only apply to the server (because I have them in separate nodes)... Does this help explain my question more?

My original question is really will I be penalized (failed) if the contents are XML?
Hi all!

Very quick question... Is the format of the suncertify.properties file restricted in any way? I'm asking because I'd rather work with preferences than properties and so, I want to populate the file with XML.

Your thoughts?