nagi ponnaganti

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since Nov 22, 2009
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Recent posts by nagi ponnaganti

It could happen if the <welcome-file-list> you have mentioned in the web.xml is not in the right location. so please make sure your resource exist first
11 years ago
I'm really not sure what you are trying to do.. are you trying to display a table on the JSP page and after that copy all the data from the browser to paste it in excel?
if you want to create an xls from the data you have, you should probably go for apache poi jar where you would have more control on formatting cells.
11 years ago
Hi Guys,
my query is about transaction level caching for ejbs in a weblogic server.

In "transaction level caching" persistent data of an entitybean is loaded only once at the start of transaction and the requests after that entity bean we will get the cached info but not the actual persistent data from database.

can i update the cached entity bean in a transaction twice with the persistent data in database ?? could you please help me out!!

hello guys,
I have a question on the difference between procedure oriented and object oriented programming:

can anyone please give an example and explian on how procedural programing give importance to 'code' rather than 'data' and object oriented programming give importance to 'data' rather than 'code'.

Thanks in advance.