Folkert Meeuw

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since Nov 25, 2009
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Recent posts by Folkert Meeuw

David Newton wrote:Is there a way to specify the numeric format conversion locale?

Hello David!
I thought about your post. But, hm?

Instead, I took a look on this page at yesterday evening:

And inbetween I worked around the problem in this way. While I did some unit tests on the method initBinder in the Controller class, I came to the PropertyEditor class. Inside the class of the PropertyEditor was my JointPoint. The method public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException. I wrote an Aspect via SpringAOP with the Advice String s = text.replace(',', '.');

An alternativ would be the refactoring of the application, here.

Kind regards
13 years ago
The Netherlands could it take!
13 years ago
Hello Spring Coderanch Ranchers!

I'm looking for some work-around suggestions for the following problem. Lets go on.

There is a properties file named, one line in the file contained the text number specified in a numeric field

There is a file named enterhours.htm, the file displayed in the browser shows a page with the following table, where the numbers are in input-text fields displayed:
(for the decimal values colons "," - not dots "." used)

| Period Ending: Juni 20, 2010
| Deparment |---Mo---|---Tu---|---We---|---Th---|---Fr---|---Sa---|---Su---|---Total---|

There is a button "SAVE", on the page. When it is clicked, the page returned in red (well, well ,well in red):

Invalid number specified in a numeric field
Invalid number specified in a numeric field
Invalid number specified in a numeric field
Invalid number specified in a numeric field
Invalid number specified in a numeric field
Invalid number specified in a numeric field
Invalid number specified in a numeric field

In the file enterhours.jsp is used, the c and fmt JSTL and additional spring. The following snippet is an artefact from the jsp:

Also Spring like, a controller and a validator class is used in this context, too.

The message bean is configured in this artifact:

It seems for me now at the moment I'm hadding against a regional specific language problem.
Who knows more and what are the possible work-arounds, in the JSP, the XML or/and Java source code.

13 years ago
I'm looking for a prototype not an entirely software. Maybe [BRACKET] is an entirely software work, (Beta) 2.0B is released already. But I can't have the source code for [BRACKET]? Any suggestion will I/is welcome.

14 years ago
Good Day Togehter!

One pint of beer, alcohol-free, please. I must ride.

I'm struggeling. Today and yesterday and the day before that day before and so on. Actually my motivation is on BIG LOW state. I try my best since two weeks ago.. Before me, the German Translation "von Kopf bis Fuß" Servlets & JSP. I know all you knowing this book very well! Year? Year! It makes me mad, to look inside from page to page. Why, in the devil's name uses the German Translation this consistently sexually discriminatory, subtly racist and glorified violence very clearly pictures? Will anyone here, who isn't drunken and in the situation to think clear, will anyone here explain me why? Why picutres of chosen heads, machetes and samurai swords, throwing stars and over again this sexual discrimination photo of a woman.

Kind regards

Hello Ed, hello Chris,
how are you?

I worked for a while on an Algorithm to load to, to store to and to display to, an Image within a Browser application at runtime.
The image was once streamed into a database table binary-stream field. As far as good!
But, the Alogorithmen solved the load, store and display not. The approach to solution was tried with JSF (Woodstock) Components.
Applied within a JSF Tree (Woodstock) Component on a JSF Page, the Image names were linked to the database URI.
A users mouse-click on an event attached to every Image names was starting a sequence to load to, to store to and to display to the Image to the JSF Page.
What would made the Algorithm work correctly at runtime (cause I know, it's a very simply analysis problem) using NetBeans 6 on board resources at
development time? Can it be done with ICEFaces?

Kind regards

Folkert M.
14 years ago

Nice to have you here. So, I can ask you about my use case with dynamic image loading in JSF.
14 years ago
thank you for your answer.

I don't have it yet, where is it discussed in the Debug It book?

Especially I would like to know that, would you use Aspects like AspectJ or AspectC++ to set mark-points into compiled binary third-party code? Or may I maybe complete misunderstand the concepts of using Aspects in programming?

Kind regards, Folkert M.
14 years ago
Hello JSF -Experts!

I worked for a while on an Algorithmen to load to, to store to and to display to, an Image within a Browser application at runtime.
The image was once streamed into a database table binary-stream field. As far as good!
But, the Alogorithmen solved the load, store and display not. The approach to solution was tried with JSF (Woodstock) Components.
Applied within a JSF Tree (Woodstock) Component on a JSF Page, the Image names were linked to the database URI.
A users mouse-click on an event attached to every Image names was starting a sequence to load to, to store to and to display to the Image to the JSF Page.
What would made the Algorithmen work correctly at runtime (cause I know, it's a very simply analysis problem) using NetBeans 6 on board resources at development time?

Kind regards

Folkert M.
14 years ago
Hello Paul,
I made the experience to debug it, is the last step in software development life cycle. Not ever, the possibilty was given to debug it. The paradigm of testing allowed to debug it when white-box testing of software has the failure-fault-error cycle. What, when I made black-box testing? For example I had only a library of compiled, obfuscated code and but the chance on decompiled code, but not the chance to understood the logic and I guess the problem inside it? What would you (maybe Paul) suggest, at this case? Helped the applied use of Aspects?

Kind regards, Folkert M.
14 years ago
Hello Paul,
welcome to Big Moose Saloon, too.

I will creat a new topic and it would be interesting for me, hear your experience.

Folkert M.
14 years ago
Hello Ranchers!

I'm Newbie to Hibernate Persistance and Spring and I want to know from you the answer on my question in few sentences: what is important, when starting with Hibernate Persistence and Spring?

I'm familiar with Java SE, Java EE (EJB 2.1,JSF). From my project experience I know there are technologies outside with problems, f. e. EJB 2.1. (Code Generators, Deployment Descriptors, Stateful Beans, Session Beans), also f. e. JSF (Dynamically Loading, Application Beans, Session Beans, Request Beans, Page Beans). Actually I start to work with AspectJ. I think, I go in the direction of Spring: now, what is important, avoiding mistakes when going in a start-up, using these technologies? Or, eventually, is Spring free from failures, faults and errors? Will Hibernate Persistence defends me from mistakes, too?

Kind regards

Folkert M.
14 years ago