ben niu

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since Dec 06, 2009
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Recent posts by ben niu

Thank you, Paul Clapham. You realy helped me. I remerber I tried several ways to work it out, but what I've tried failed many times. After sevaral days I found myself still cannot figure it out. I'm very frustrated. The problem is really killing me. I have to confess I'm new in data structures and algorithms, although I've been a programer one year, using the J2EE technology to develop websites. Because my major is not Computer Science (SC) when I was in university, so I decided to learn the basic of SC with myself and started from last month. I think learning it well can help me in my futrue career, am I right?

My code goes here:

Thank you again
14 years ago
I'm using a circular array to implement a drop-out stack, but I've found some problems that made me crazy. Here is my code, and I hope someone could help me out. I wonder how to make the size() and isEmpty() methods. If possible, I also want to know how to make the toString() method. Thanks in advance. BTW, I'm from China and I'm not very good at English. So maybe I used some english words wrongly.

Hope someone can help me. Thanks a million.
14 years ago