Arosha Perera

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since Jan 17, 2010
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Recent posts by Arosha Perera

You mean like this?

Then it gives an error saying incompatible types
14 years ago

Please Excuse for the inconvenience ...Thank you
14 years ago
ummm, I don't understand.

I am new to this language actually. Here's what i have been going through..

This is how I have learned, is there a way to put a empty space on [0][0] th?
14 years ago
I need to know how to display some data like this.

" " 1 2 3 3 5
2 4 5 5 7 8
6 8 8 5 6 2
4 2 4 7 7 5
3 5 5 7 9 3

I know how to display data in a rectangular form using two for loops and using length attribute in arrays.
But I don't know how do I get the [0][0] th element empty. (I've represented the space like this " ")
I put NULL and tried but it didn't work.

Please be kind enough to help me. Thank you
14 years ago