Nishikant Nipane

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since Mar 17, 2010
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Recent posts by Nishikant Nipane

Rafael Z. Frantz wrote:Hi Al,

Yes, this is exactly the problem I have. In order to isolate the problem, I've disabled all connection adapters of my machine. In this case it works fine with but at the time I-ve enabled one connection giving to the machine one IP the problem comes back and sometimes the message conection refused for appears and/or for the other IP. I am doing the same as you, using localhost and it seems to work fine.

Have you tried the parameters I've mentioned to start the rmi registry?


Hi Friends,

If you have confusion about ip of rmi server, I have a suggestion for you. After starting your rmi can check status of registry before connecting by rmi client.

Please start command prompt, and say 'telnet ip_of_server_you_make_rmi_registry_On port_for_rmi_Registry'.
you will get a blank window waiting for your input. (Name of window being Telnet host).
i.e. telnet 1099

1099 is default port for rmi registry, you can use other as well.

Once you try this out you will be sure about exactly which is the IP and port of your registry, Then it is good time to connect using client

14 years ago

Jaidev Arer wrote:Thanks Mark.
Here its a day to day activity were user changes that particular field only when they require.if they change multiple column, yes they have to press update for the corresponding row.
i am stuck up at that point, how to hook up the row to the particular update button.
Please do advice.
Thanks again.


Actually this can be done as follows:

1> Keep 2 Dimentional javascript array for every row like [rowId][index of column i.e. field] which will be populated on page load
2> For every filed in a row, which can change, call a Java script functin say change(rowid,index of column)..On onchange event of correosponding field...change correosponding value in 2 dimentional array...
3> On every Onclick of update button you can call Ajax call to update correosponding row.

14 years ago

David Newton wrote:I can't make heads or tails of that. Is there anything in the logs?

Why do you sleep for two seconds for no apparent reason in the middle?

Why are not you try to make unique directory for every file name ? Will help in removing confusion as well. Please code as much in servlet as compared to jsp. What exactly happens when you submit the page?

14 years ago