Fred David

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since Apr 15, 2010
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I have a bachelor's degree in mathematics from 2002. Since then I have worked in the restaurant industry. Last fall I started reading "Thinking in Java". In May of this year I passed the SCJP exam with a score of 80. I have also read a book on SQL and am currently reading "Head First Servlets & JSP". I have never worked in the computer industry at all. I have never taken a programming class. I would like to enter the field of computer programming of something related to it. I am unsure how to get any experience that would be noteworthy on a resume without any college projects or work experience in this area. I have spoken with a few Computer Science majors who are graduating in the next year and it seems that my understanding and knowledge of Java and SQL is greater than theirs. However these Computer Science majors are lining up jobs easily because of their college projects and their major. I have spoken to a couple of companies in Massachusetts and they have told me that they cannot hire me for even an entry level position because of my total lack of experience. Any comments or advice on what I could or should be doing to put myself in a position to be hired for an entry level position would be appreciated.
13 years ago
i also took the exam on may 13 and my address also showed up as ?addr? on my score report. when i received an email today titled "sun microsystems certification account address validation" the site that it linked to had all of my address info listed correctly.
13 years ago
With the explicit cast B c = (B) a; there is no ClassCastException because variable a is assigned to b on line 7 and b refers to an object that IS-A B. The cast is needed at compile time because variable a is declared as type A . With the explicit cast B c = (B) a; it compiles fine and all three variables refer to the same object, the one created on line 6.
I am curious about the opinion of people of the difficulty of the SCJP 6.0 exam in comparison to the K&B Master Exam. I score 75% or better on the K&B Master Exam but I have not yet signed up to take the SCJP exam because I feel that I have a lot of room for improvement on certain topics.
Mana stated that he averaged 76% on the K&B Master Exam and scored 91% on the actual exam. Those of you who took K&B Master Exam and then took the actual exam is it typical that you scored higher on the actual SCJP exam than the K&B Master Exam? I ask because i have scored at least 75% on each attempt with the K&B Master Exam but I have been doubting whether or not I am ready to take the SCJP exam.