Sankha Ray

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since May 01, 2010
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Recent posts by Sankha Ray

Can you tell if it is possible to set the encoding type of all the request parameters in a filter.

The problem is that, i have created a j2ee project which deals with japanese characters.So,i need to use this
new String(value.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8"); in my code whereever i am retrieving data from request objects
in order to display,update japanese values.Its a pain changing the code every here and there.

Can you comment on the possiblity of solving the issue with the help of filter?
A little hints on the approach will be enough.

13 years ago
may i know which rich text editor is used in javaranch?
Hi all,
I am new to j2ee, and i have to make a page where the text area for a field has a certain aspect. If we select some portion of the sentences that will be written in it,and click on the bold option(much like the one i am using here),that portion will be in bold letters and will be saved accordingly in database.

I have no idea about javascript and i am new to jsp.So can you give me a little outline for how to do it? i don't want spoonfeeding,just a liitle idea as i am very short on time for this one.
I am new to XML ,and i am supposed to do the validation of an xml against an xsd using java.

I am supposed to use sTax parser....can you guide a little on if it is possible do do validation using stax or not,or what approach is better...i am not asking for any code, that i will make myself
Hi , i went through the document. But if i want to return a boolean value from the stored procedure , how the mapping will be done?I saw the bit datatype....but could not understand the concept.
Can you help me in understanding it ?
Hi , i am writting a java program which will call a Stored procedure.

The Stored Procedure will -1.populate a staging table
2. return 2 output variables(both are integers)

Any help on how to store these 2 variables in the java program?Because i am seeing that the prepareCall() method is returning a resultset ,which i clearly don't need.