Leo Xie

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since Nov 15, 2001
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Recent posts by Leo Xie

Test: Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform (310-027)
Date Taken: 2002-03-16 22:05:15.560
Registration Number: h57dtt00eb
Site: on66
Grade: P
Score: 147
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual number of points you were awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your strengths. The maximum possible # of points is 155; the minimum to pass is 124. General Considerations(maximum = 58): 55 Documentation(maximum = 20): 20 GUI(maximum = 24): 23 Server(maximum = 53): 49
Not a bad score, huh?
Thank all of you guys.
Well, I am really happy to hear that I am not that bad in English.
I tried to install JBuilder to debug the program, but I failed to run the JBuilder. I have to say it's really hard to setup the Solaris system to work smoothly.
Any way, I found the program stoped when it's calling Name.rebind(...) function.
I noticed that the HostName is 'unknown'. I don't know why, but it's really 'unknown'. So, I changed the hostname to 'myhost' manually. The program runs ok now. Thanks God.....It's not my program's fault.
Thank you guys very much!
OK. I know I am NOT good at English at all. I am sorry. I am also worried about the essay exam, coz my English is not good enough maybe.
BTW, Do they(with and without) really mean the same thing?
I will try to find where the program stops.
Thank you Mark.
Another question, do you tested your program on multiple platform before you submit and is it necessary?

Originally posted by Mark Spritzler:
What is the thrown exception, and do you have path issues as to the slashes like \ for windows vs / for Unix, or do you use the // which should work in both cases.

Hi Mark.
Thanks for your reply.
Actually, there is NO thrown exception. The program just hung up WITHOUT any response. I have to use [Ctrl]+[C] to exit to the shell.
And I believe it's nothing to do with the slashes, coz all the files are located in the same directory.
Any idea?
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: Leo Xie ]
Hi All,
I just finished my FBN assignment and it works well on Windows platform. When I tried to run the FBN Server on the Solaris 8 platform(intel), it just hung up without any exception thrown. It seems something wrong with the RMI, because the FBN Client runs correctly on the Solaris.
Anybody got this problem before?
I found it's really hard to setup the Solaris system. I am thinking it's the Solaris system causing the problem.
Do I have to test the FBN system on multiple operating system, such as Solaris, Linux ...?
Any help is appreciated.

Originally posted by Peter den Haan:
Heh Do you have a security policy in place? If yes, then remember to grant yourself java.awt.AWTPermission showWindowWithoutWarningBanner.
- Peter

It works after I add the permission in the policy file.
Thank you Peter
[This message has been edited by Leo Xie (edited November 27, 2001).]
When my client side application is working at remote mode, there is always a "Java Applet window" status bar added on the bottom of the screen. What's that? Is this because I am using RMI?
In my assignment, it says Record locking must be implemented using the methods public void lock(ing) and public void unlock(int).
It seams that I should NOT modify the methods' formats. I think I shoud use synchronized block in lock(int) method in stead of synchronizing both of the two methods. Am I right?
[This message has been edited by Leo Xie (edited November 15, 2001).]