alexandra kerr

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since Jun 05, 2010
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Recent posts by alexandra kerr

Hi! I'm trying to transpose a table, with 3 columns: identifier, date and value.
Identifier is a number that identifies the client, date is dd/mm/yyyy and value is a number 0 to 10.
So this is the initial table:

Identifier date value
1200 06/12/2009 5
1200 06/12/2009 6
1200 07/12/2009 4
1200 08/12/2009 9

I need to transform it in another table, in which all values of the same client identifier are in the same row: separated with a blank when they have the same date and values from different days are separated with a -1. The initial table is transformed in:

5 6 -1 4 -1 9 -1
The initial table is a .txt and the final one should also be one.

I'm new to java and I've been trying to solve it using java, please could anyone help..
13 years ago

Automatic compilation was turned on so i turned it off, then I refreshed the view and now could compile everything and there is a directory with the generated classes.

Now they are compiled with some warnings but no errors, thanks.
I'm doing something wrong:
first I created a workspace for Eclipse D\alex
then I created a project MyProject there
As you said, when I created MyProject the D\alex\MyProject\src was created.
The class that I need to compile is in C\spv7.3\cb\pfv\spv\tests it is the package: package cb.pfv.spv.tests;

I copied the folders cb\pfv\spv\tests to D\alex\MyProject\src, so now I have

Then I do File-Open File and open the file I need to compile from D\alex\MyProject\src\cb\pfv\spv\tests
then I try to compile it Project-Build Project but nothing happens.

Hi! my apologies if this is not the correct subforum, the question is about beginning Eclipse

I've already compiled and run the "hello world" example but I need to run an already developed (not by me) software.

This software is in many folders, with the following structure:

D:\ folder1 \ folder2 \ folder3 \ folder4

folder4 contains 9 folders : A, B, C,....H, I.

In folder B there's a folder named "TESTS" where is the main that I need to run, in the first line of that class there's the
package folder1.folder2.folder3.TESTS;

I have all the .java classes but I need to compile all of them, I created a project but I don't know how to define the folder's structure in my project, I just copied the same structure in the Eclipse workspace but it did not work.

Sorry if the question is too naive.
