Michael Watson

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since Jun 06, 2010
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Recent posts by Michael Watson

I've been a Java programmer hobbyist for quite a wihle, and have written several small games, and after a little thought, I realised that small games had lost their appeal and I wanted to shoot for the stars!

So... I've come up with the great idea of creating an MMORPG in the Java programming language! It's already been started, although progress will speed up when more people have joined the team.

Project Details

Game Name: Days of Destiny

Concept: A 2D MMORPG. The outer world (eg. travelling, chatting, etc) will be a bit like the world in Pokemon (tiles, 1 step per tile, yada yada ya) while things like combat will be more arcade-themed (fast paced, skill-dependent combat - although weapons/armour will obviously still play a part. maybe a bit like Street Fighter or Super Smash Bros Brawl?)

Setting: In a post-apocalyptic world, but with super-advanced technology instead of being blasted back into the stone age by the apocalypse, so kind of like a super-modern setting? (and as for how there's technology after an apocalypse: maybe some awesome techno-center was saved from the blast or something like that?)

Storyline: Haven't started thinking about this yet. But I'm sure it won't be too hard to come up with something awesome.

Programming Language: Java (duh!)

Client-side: Slick/LWJGL (Slick - 2D Game Library based on LWJGL / lwjgl.org - Home of the Lightweight Java Game Library), TWL for the GUI (TWL - Themable Widget Library), TilED for world (Tiled Map Editor)
Server-side: MySQL for database storage (MySQL Query Analyzer - Improving SQL Query Performance)
Networking: Not sure yet, possibly Apache MINA or just java NIO's Sockets

So... basically I'm here to ask if any of you are interested in joining this project?


Programming Skill: Basically, good Java knowledge/experience, and preferably some experience with Slick, although not necessary, since Slick is a pretty easy to learn library.

Time Requirements: If you're interested, please only ask to join if you have at least an average of 30 minutes a day to work on this; preferably, 1 hour a day free. I'm going to fork out at least 1-2 hours a day myself.

On a side note, I'm also looking for GUI/graphic designers, please drop me a note as well, if you're one and interested.

If you're interested and have questions, or wish to join this project, please reply to this thread, send me a PM or send an email to xquasar_@hotmail.com

13 years ago