Ajin Nair

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since Aug 28, 2010
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Recent posts by Ajin Nair

I need to implement pagination, i am working on the use of Struts display tag ,
But i am stuck at one point and need input on:
Can Struts display tag retrive only a set numbe of records from DB and on every click of next or prev links the appropriate list of records are fetched from DB as per the pagesize mentioned.

If this is possible please share any code snippet to start with.

Any help will be appreciated.

12 years ago

Hi Dinesh,
Amit is right I am just giving the quick solution here.
here we go,
The following line of code in A.jsp

is of no use as String select[] = request.getParameterValues("id");
will always return null.
replace the code you have in B.jsp with this and it will work only remove the
I hope this helps

if you figured this out already then good.

13 years ago
hey thanks all , for the correction.
That was just a slang but yeah will make a practice to say it simply swing.

Now to the crux, Yeah Jesper thanks for your suggestion, am starting to look into his now.
13 years ago
hi All,
I want to develop a desktop application in java.
I am aware of Swings and i guess we need to use netbeans for that.
Netbeans generates its own set of code which ask for learning and acquiantance to teh IDE.

Can you suggest me any other IDE for swings.
Also apart from swings is there any other java technology in market to develop desktop application?
13 years ago