Anish Srinivas

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since Sep 03, 2010
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Oops sorry for the typo.
We are in the process of upgrading our application to Java6. But this is going to take some time as we have a 20-25 jars to be recomplied with java6.
We also have to upgrade our Unix server to java6 which is not going to happen very soon.
We are in a impact analysis phase now, so any help in this regard will be highly useful for our impact analysis.
13 years ago
Hi I am working on a Swings application.
The application was developed in Java1.2 and used 3rd party jar - JGL3 (The Generic Collection Library for Java) for working with the data structures - Array, Containers, Maps etc. It is heavily embedded in our application code.
We are planning for a upgrade to java6 and want to know if JGL3 is supported with Java6.
JGL3 is the Java Generic Library used from the third party vendor Objectspace. I was not able to find any articles on the JGL3.
Can any one please share your thoughts. The following link has the details on the interfaces/classes used in this jar.

Any help on this will be of great help for us to move ahead with the Java1.6 conversion.
13 years ago