Venkatesan Jayaram

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since Mar 08, 2011
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Recent posts by Venkatesan Jayaram

Hi All,

I am using the apache's commons-httpclient-3.1.jar to use the HttpClient to download a file in internet.

As per my requirement, I have to connect the external site using the proxy server only with diffent credential which is not my systems login user name and pasword.
While running the program I noticed that the code is not using the credentials what i have given in the code. It is using the credentials which is configured in IE browser.

Please find my follwoing code

What ever credentials I am giving in the code is not considered and the default credentials are taken from system and successfully downloading the files.

But the credentials given in the code only it should take.

Please help to resolve this issue.

Hi All,

I am getting the problem in a socket program as the socket is not able to receive the first request after long ideal time(one day). I have sent the request to the socket program from simulator program but it did not get the request for first time but after that it is receiving all the requests.

This Socket program is deployed in glassfish server in Windows 2008 Operating system.

We are using a thread to start and listern the socket to receive the request and we did not configured any time out for the socket.

The Below Method will be called in the Glassfish Server Startup itself. This method is written in the application's Life Cylcle listener class so this will create the socket and the thread will call the listern() method in SocketListener class to start to listen for request.


Below is the Socket program that we are using to receive the request from the Front End system.

Here my problem is, I am not able to receive the first request after I put the glassfish sever to ideal for one or two days.

I mean, I did not receive any log that is available in the listen() method and the process in not continued for the first request only, I am able to receive request and it is processed further from the second request.

Kindly help me to resolve this issue, because it is very critical to me.

Thanks in Advance.
