Pooja Gadre

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since Mar 19, 2011
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Recent posts by Pooja Gadre

hey hello there..

Thanks for replying..

I don't know from which module to start testing.

Right now i m giving sample data to test units. but when i run the test case using the option "run as junit test case" in Springsource Tool Suite (STS), i am not getting the expected result. my application is connected to the database and a web server. So is it necessary to keep running the server in the background to make the test case show a green signal?
13 years ago
I m new to JUnit and i donot know how to write test cases to test code.
I m also finding it difficut to test the DB operations.
Is the server on which the project is usually run , supposed to be started when i want to run the Junit test cases?
And cant we write DB operations testing in Junit? instead of dbunit?

Please help!!

Code which is not running is as follows:

public class SimpleJdbcUserDAOTest {
SimpleJdbcUserDAO usrdao;
static final String name="@ron";
final User user=new User(name,"abcxyz","What?","Yes","1");

public void testInsert() {
int i=usrdao.insert(user);

assertEquals("Should not accept special characters!", i, 0);
13 years ago