poorna alluri

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since Apr 07, 2011
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Recent posts by poorna alluri

I am new to load testing . We created scripts in jmeter and are running actual load tests on blaze meter.
the issue we are facing right now is the response code 200 is also getting considered as errors which is increasing our total error % in the aggregate report.

Response codes
response code count response message
Non HTTP response code: java.net.SocketException 2479 Non HTTP response message: Connection reset
200 44066 OK

In our understanding 200 response code is success but they are counted as error in blaze meter. this does not happen in jmeter . so all 44066 requests are considered as errors.
due to this our error% in aggregate report shows really high values.
Another issue is requests which are shown as failed in assertions are not considered as errors.

assertion name count assertion message
Assert the Sueccess/Failure 688 Test failed: text expected not to contain /Sorry/
Response Assertion 362 Test failed: code expected to contain /200/

The above are not considered as errors in blazemeter

Any information on this would be helpful. is it some thing we could change in the script.Please help us understand more on this.

10 years ago

My project uses display tag in jsp to show all the records .The problem iam facing is that checkboxes values are not being retained during pagination.
I have a selectall checkbox too , which when selected should select all the records in all the pages of dispaly table.

We tried getting the vales into an array but that idea dint work .

Did someone faced this issue earlier and solved it.
Iam trying to find if there is any solution using jquery .. i have seen many examples but none mentioned pagination issue.
or any other solution which works for select all checkboxes too.

Please let me know if you need any other details.
Thanks for your help and time in advance
13 years ago