Abdullah Javid

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since Jan 06, 2002
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Recent posts by Abdullah Javid

Sorry, the format of my previous message is quite tedious to read. I inserted CODE tags by mistake. I thought that it changes just the font. The simple format of the message is:

add() mathod has an added benifit over addElement(), i.e, one of its form can add an Object to a specified index.

21 years ago
mathod has an added benifit over , i.e, one of its form can add an to a specified index.
21 years ago
Your question is not so clear. However I understood that you have a String object and wants to check whether it starts with some string(group of characters) or not.
To perform this task, you would have to use startsWith() method defined in String class, which has the following definition:

public boolean startsWith(String prefix)

As indicated above, it would return either true or false.
21 years ago
The answer for your question is that = (Assignment) operator is also a binary operator (not bitwise). Binary operator are those operators which operates at two operands. The associativity of = operator is from right to left, means:
a = b = c = d = 10;
is simplified as:
(a = (b = (c = (d = 10))));
21 years ago
If your are a C++ programmer then I think that the following tutorial will be extreamly helpful for you. I think you should read that as a necessary reading.
Enhance your Java application with Java Native Interface (JNI)
21 years ago
Hello. I tried to understand Java from some books and the Java documentation but I was unable to find the answer of the question "Can I call Win32 APIs from JNI interface?". I know how to call other native methods which we write and specify that they could be called by Java(we use javah.exe and some other #include statements for C/C++). Microsoft has not explicitly specified that their Win32 API classes could be called from within Java. So my question is that can we call those API simply by using System.loadLibrary() method. I am looking forward for your replies. Thanks in advance. Can somebody explain the process with example, i will be so thankful to you.
21 years ago
Great news man. I will like you and other men to keep us informed about that new and interesting news.
21 years ago
Thanks Rob.
I am not fully satisfied with your reply. I think Java can only call those native mathods which are explicitly defined as they are callable by Java. Please tell me if I am wrong. I am looking forward for your reply. If anyone knows something in this regard, please tell.
21 years ago
This is Abdullah. I have been programming in Java for an year but I have not used Java JNI API uptill now. Now I need to call some Windows API(native) from withing Java code. Someone please tell me how can I do this. I think this could be done with JNI. I tried to make my hands dirty with JNI but I think it could only call methods from C/C++ classes which we have written. Will anybody please tell me how to call Windows APIs which Microsoft has implemented using Visual C++(or C++). Thanks in advance. I am humbly looking for your replies.
21 years ago
This is Abdullah. I have been programming in Java for an year but I have not used Java JNI API uptill now. Now I need to call some Windows API(native) from withing Java code. Someone please tell me how can I do this. I think this could be done with JNI. I tried to make my hands dirty with JNI but I think it could only call methods from C/C++ classes which we have written. Will anybody please tell me how to call Windows APIs which Microsoft has implemented using Visual C++(or C++). Thanks in advance. I am humbly looking for your replies.
21 years ago
Sorry Ather,
I didn't mentioned in the previous post that the read exam is not changed.
Bye... :roll:
Yes. The style of the paper has changed. But I dont think that it has become difficult. There are 56 questions instead of 30. So you will find the test more easy (in my openion). You have more choice.
The time range is now 2 hours (yea it is twice ) and the questions are not doubled, so you have some extra time.
Abdullah Javid.